Lake Erie Country Club Clubhouse

This is an artist rendering of the Lake Erie Country Club Clubhouse circa 1953. LECC took out a private mortgage in 1954 for $4500.00 at an interest rate of 4.0% and a yearly payment of $450.00, to build this project. The Board hired an architect to do the drawings for the project. There have been several renovations and additions along the way not the least of which is the LECC Pavillion and wood-fired event BBQ.

Lake Erie Country Club Butterfly Garden

The LECC Butterfly Garden is just beginning. It is located just south of the LECC Clubhouse parking lot next to the lagoon. Keep an eye on it as it takes shape over the next few months.


Lake Erie Country Club Turtles

May and June are busy months for most turtles. Many clutches of eggs laid during the previous Spring, especially those of the painted turtle, hatch during the month of May. Then, within just a few short weeks, in June, mature females leave the marsh to secure suitable nesting habitat in which to lay their eggs and begin the life cycle anew.Turtles are slow to mature, only reaching egg-laying status anywhere from 6 to 20 years of age, depending upon the species. More…

Joe’s Eats

If you have ever wandered down to Malden Beach to the east of LECC, you may have come across some of the ruins of the restaurant that was once there. It was the Malden Beach restaurant but it had several incarnations. According to Jim Turner, it was originally a Sandwich, Windsor & Amherstburg (SW&A) electric trolly. It then was a restaurant that was parked on the corner of Front Road South & County Road 20  More….

The Phragmites Scourge

Phragmites (pronounced “fragmitees” by some), are those very tall (up to 15 feet) feathery fronds that clog ditches and ponds. They have the dubious distinction of being labeled as the “worst” invasive plant species in all of Canada by Agriculture and Agri-food Canada in 2005. Their incessant march through the watercourses of Southern Ontario has only continued since that time. Their reputation as worst invader is well deserved. The dense root systems of phragmites, in addition to choking out native plants,  More…

Lake Erie Country Club Pillars

There are pictures of the pillars dating back to 1940 from an article in the Windsor Star.  I was sent this some time ago, but I have forgotten who sent it. Does anyone recognize the people in the picture? If you look behind the right pillar, you will notice the original road to Holiday Beach that ran parallel to Lake Erie Country Club Drive. We are not certain when the pillars were erected, but we certainly know when they came crashing down on December 15, 1969 from this Windsor Star article. More….

Lake Erie Country Club Trees

There is little if any dispute among scientists and other experts about the many valuable qualities of trees. Even ordinary humans sense and experience the quiet, calm, serene feeling of walking through a grove of trees. As the effects of climate change increase and strengthen, the number one response from every quarter is “plant more trees”. Governments are pledging millions of dollars to the planting of trees, an initiative touted as the “number 1 technological response” to counteract global warming.  More…

The Meadows 

The Meadows was the hub of activity for the area for many years. Whether you were a local or a cottager, it was the place for great food, cold beer, entertainment, and good conversation. And what kid worth their salt did not get carded at the Meadows?  Who does not have a story to tell about the Meadows House and later the Meadows Tavern and Meadows by the Lake? It was a sad day for many, when the wrecking ball came to visit our beloved Meadows, on March 03, 2017.

Lake Erie Country Club  Marsh

Essex County has the distinction, among all of the counties in the Province, of being surrounded on three of its four sides by water. All three of these bodies of water are part of the Great Lakes system (an immense reservoir of fresh water). So as far as waterfront properties are concerned, we are fortunate to have a relative abundance of this in Essex County. Those of us who reside at Lake Erie Country Club have the further unprecedented, and likely unique privilege of having waterfront on our  More….

Holiday Beach Cycling Trail

This exciting project will create an off-road, single-track cycling facility adjacent to Holiday Beach Conservation Area in Amherstburg. The first phase of the Holiday Beach Cycling trail has been completed. It is located immediately north of the exit of LECC Drive. There is a small parking lot at the entrance of the trail. There are several more kilometers that will be added to the trail in the coming months. Please follow the link for a more complete article on the project from ERCA.

Lake Erie Country Club Migratory Birds

Lake Erie Country Club is located in one of the best migratory birding areas in Essex County.  Each year thousands of migratory birds pass overhead. Imagine sitting by the marsh with dozens of birds kettling above. We are also fortunate to have 2 pairs of nesting eagles in our portion of the Big Creek Marsh. Holiday Beach hosts the famous Festival of Hawks each year in September. People come from around the world to witness this extraordinary event. The ERCA Hawk More…

Big Creek  Sewage Treatment Plant

Big Creek  Sewage Treatment Plant located on LECC Drive services all of the homes on Lakeside drive as well as the Holiday Beach Conservation area. It is a  Rotary Biological Contactor (RBC) wastewater treatment facility with phosphorus removal, use of aluminum sulphate, effluent filtration, continuous discharge, UV Disinfection, trailer-mounted portable diesel generator, and wastewater pump stations. There are no septic systems to worry about at LECC. This was the first plant of its kind in Ontario and  More…

Township of Malden 1899

This map of the Township of Malden indicated the original settlers and their land grants as well as the post-offices in the county. Lake Erie Country Club and Holiday Beach Conservation main park make up Lockhart Island, which is part of the Caldwell grant that was awarded to given to William Caldwell in gratitude for his efforts in several battles. Most of the surrounding area is labeled marsh at this time and there are no passable roads accessing the area.

Essex County Demonstration Farm

The demonstration farm is located just east of Lake Erie Country Club Drive. ERCA and partners from the agricultural community established the Essex County Demonstration Farm (ECDF) at Holiday Beach Conservation Area in 1996. The farm demonstrates best management practices and innovative technologies that will conserve and protect soil health, maintain productivity, improve water quality and quantity, and illustrate that farming and the environment can coexist. More……